What Part of A Watermelon Can’t Dogs Eat

What Part of A Watermelon Can’t Dogs Eat?

The mature watermelon seeds are not safe for dogs to eat. This is a common mistake when someone offers and tosses a whole slice of watermelon to the pup. If that happens, they can accidentally ingest a large amount of watermelon seeds, which may create an intestinal blockage in smaller breeds or those with extremely small intestines.

If your dog happens to eat an occasional watermelon seed it probably isn’t a big deal but it is recommended to not feed them watermelon seeds as the hard seeds can have a difficult time moving through the digestive track.

The outer green part of the watermelon is safe for your dog to eat, but the rind itself should not be ingested. The tough consistency poses a risk for an intestinal blockage because the digestive track will have a difficult time breaking down the tough texture of the watermelon rind.

Before feeding your dog watermelon, make sure to remove the rind and seeds.