The Science Behind a Dog’s Yawn
When a person yawns, we assume that they are tired or bored. However, things are a little different regarding our four-legged friends. It can mean several things when you see a dog yawn which is dependent on the situation. There are several theories about why people and dogs yawn, but there is a science behind why our dogs partake in this behavior. Continue reading to learn more!
Did you know a dog can yawn if stressed or anxious? That’s right! If your four-legged friend is yawning rapidly, it may be anxiety-induced.
Take this as a sign that your dog is stressed out and overwhelmed.
Evaluate the situation that they are in and make appropriate changes, even if you have to remove the dog from the environment.
Another reason why a dog may yawn is that they are avoiding conflict; in other words, a sign of passivity. If your dog yawns in response to an altercation with another dog, it could indicate that your dog is avoiding trouble at all costs. You will not be surprised that another reason a dog yawns is because they are tired. This is one of the most common reasons a dog may yawn, especially if they have had an active day!
Last, a dog yawning around you may indicate a sign of love. A yawn can mean that your dog enjoys their bond with you! As you can see, there are many reasons why a dog may yawn. There is nothing to worry about unless your dog is constantly yawning, which may signify distress.