Peach Tree Poisoning in Dogs 

Peach Tree Poisoning in Dogs 

Are you located near a peach tree? This type of tree is excellent for many reasons, but it can be highly toxic to dogs. Seriously, every part of the peach tree can be poisonous. The tree becomes most harmful when it begins to wilt. Continue reading to learn more about peach tree poisoning in dogs.

Dogs that ingest any part of the peach tree may develop any of these signs below:

  • Shock
  • Panting
  • Respiratory distress
  • Dilated pupils

You may wonder why the peach tree is so dangerous to dogs. The tree contains cyanogenic glycosides, which are rapidly acting toxins. These toxins also appear in various plants, and complications arise when overexposure occurs. Once again, all parts of the peach tree are dangerous to our four-legged friends. This includes the tree and the peach’s stems, leaves, and seeds.

Do you believe your dog has ingested anything from the peach tree? If so, contact your veterinarian. The vet will collect the history of the dog while performing an exam. Lab work may be run to collect information to validate the peach tree poisoning.

Treatment will be determined depending on how your dog is reacting. The vet may induce vomiting if they are sure your dog ingested parts of the peach tree or peach. Unfortunately, there is no exact antidote the veterinarian can give your dog. One of the best things you can do is to be proactive. Ensure that your dog does not go near a peach tree. Understand that dogs are curious and will do what it takes to get what they want. Keep an eye out!