Large Dog Breeds That Can Live in Apartments
Many people assume that if a dog is large, they are not well suited for apartment living. People may be surprised to learn that large dogs may be the best option when choosing a dog for a small space. Did you know that many large breeds can be laid-back compared to some of their small and medium friends? We want to share our list of large dog breeds that can live comfortably in apartments. Continue reading to learn more!
Mastiff – Once the Mastiff matures out of the puppy stage, it begins to slow down. If you give this breed adequate exercise and short walks around the neighborhood, they will be fine.
Basset Hound – This breed may seem smaller than they are because of its short legs. However, Basset Hounds weigh between 50 and 65 pounds. The breed is easygoing and loves to sniff. Take them for a walk around the park for mental and physical stimulation.
Great Dane – This breed is very mellow. A regular walk will satisfy the activity needs of most Great Danes. After that, they will be content hanging out with you on the couch!
Rhodesian Ridgeback – Given a good walk or play session, a mature Ridgeback is usually happy to loll around an apartment or condo all day.
Greyhound – Yes, the Greyhound is a fast runner, but that doesn’t mean they require much exercise! This breed is nicknamed “the 40-mph couch potato” for a reason.
Irish Wolfhound – This typically sensitive, sweet, and calm dog will take up much space in a tiny apartment or condo, but if you remember to step over him, he’s generally a gentle and quiet companion.
Well, there you have it! We mentioned some large dog breeds that can live well in an apartment setting. Before you bring any dog home, make sure that you understand all of the basics. Ensure you can get your dog outside quickly if they need to potty. Don’t worry if you do not see your dog on the list. We encourage you to research and determine if your large dog is suitable for apartment life.