Keeping Reptiles in a Home with a Dog

Keeping Reptiles in a Home with a Dog

Did you know that reptile pets are become more common as the years go by? It is because the younger generation is extremely interested in them! Bringing a snake or iguana into your home may be intimidating for some people. However, when you add a dog into the mix, it gets even more hectic. Keep in mind that dogs and reptiles can live together. It will just take some extra preparation on your part. Let us explain further!

It is important to know that not all reptiles are okay in homes with dogs. For example, toads are toxic to dogs if accidently ingested. Keeping iguanas in houses that have dogs is also frowned upon, unless you can keep them always separated. This is because iguanas can be aggressive and can get stressed if they are around dogs. As far as snakes go, most of them do not mind if a dog is around. However, they also need to be kept safely away from the dog.

It doesn’t matter what type of reptile you choose to keep as your pet. Regardless, they will need some type of enclosure. You do not need your reptile freely roaming around your home, especially if a dog is around! Keep in mind that some reptiles will turn into “escape artists” if the enclosure you use is not completely ensure. It is best to keep your reptile in a totally separate room from your dog. You can keep the door locked for an added level of security.

If you have an overly curious, protective, or aggressive dog, you may want to think twice about bringing a reptile into the house. This doesn’t mean it’s not possible.  You will just need to take extra precautions to make it work. Choosing the right type of reptile pet is important. Always take your time and complete your research. If you can make it work, you will have the best of both worlds – canines and reptiles!