How Much Watermelon Can I Give My Dog

How Much Watermelon Can I Give My Dog?

Watermelon is typically thought to be a safe fruit for dogs to eat in moderation, however it is important that you don’t give your dog too much watermelon or any type of fruit because most fruits contain natural sugar as well as fiber. These minerals can be beneficial to the health of your dog in moderation, but if your dog eats too much in one sitting, it could cause an upset stomach or even cause diarrhea in more severe cases. If you have a larger dog, your dog can eat more watermelon compared to a small breed. It is recommended that you only give your dog a small amount of cut up seedless watermelon.

When introducing your dog to watermelon or any other type of food, you should start small and then gradually work your way up to larger quantities of food if your dog is reacting well to it. You should always monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort or an upset stomach after giving them a new type of food. It isn’t recommended that you give your dog watermelon with seeds or the rind of the watermelon as these could be difficult for your dog to digest.