Five Reasons Why Puppies and Toddlers Are Similar! 

Five Reasons Why Puppies and Toddlers Are Similar! 

Puppies and toddlers have many similarities. Both are adorable and fun to be around. However, there are many things that you should be considered when comparing puppies to children! Check out our list below and see if you agree with our similarities. You may be as surprised as we were!

  1. Communication is a huge priority. Children and puppies can only understand simple commands. As a parent of a pet or a child, you must establish fun and creative ways to communicate and get the point across.
  2. Safety, safety, safety! Kids can find themselves in every possible dangerous situation, like puppies! Pay close attention to ensure your puppy or child is always safe.
  3. Do not plan to get much sleep. Puppies and children can wake you up throughout the night, so don’t plan on getting much rest. Remember that patience will help in the long run.
  4. Attention-seeking is common. Children and puppies want to be a part of the action, which shows. Please make sure that you find ways to include your puppy or kid in your family plans.
  5. Everything is edible! Toddlers and puppies love to get their mouths on anything that they can. This is also a safety issue. Please make sure that unwanted items are out of reach.

There you have it. Hopefully, you can see why puppies are so similar to toddlers. Keep in mind that there will be accidents with puppies and toddlers alike. Don’t be hard on your children. It’s a learning process!