Essential Oils for Anxious Dogs

Essential Oils for Anxious Dogs

Essential oils have increased in popularity throughout the years. With the many benefits essential oils can have on our overall health, you may wonder how helpful they would be for dogs with anxiety. This article will discuss how essential oils can positively impact our four-legged friends and some safety tips to consider when using essential oils with dogs.

The benefits of essential oils are being explored in animal health. When you are an owner of a stressed or anxious dog, you want to find options to help make them comfortable. Essential oils have been known to relieve minor anxiety and stress in dogs with separation anxiety, dogs who have experienced a stressful incident, or dogs with storm anxieties. When you diffuse the oils throughout your home, you will be surprised by their calming effects. Below are some popular types of essential oils that are pet friendly.

Rose – This oil can brighten moods and create a calming effect.

Sweet Orange – This oil can uplift us and bring cheerfulness.

Green Mandarin – This oil can soothe minor stress and create a calming effect.

Vetiver – This oil can ground its users by providing a soothing atmosphere.

Myrrh – This oil can help with separation anxiety.

We recommend educating yourself on essential oils to determine which ones are safe and toxic to dogs. Cinnamon, peppermint, pine, tea tree, and sweet birch are some of the essential oils that are toxic to dogs. As promised, below are some safety tips you should keep in mind when using essential oils for your dog.

  1. Always consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about specific essential oils for your dog. When in doubt, never use oil unless you are sure that it is safe for your four-legged friend.
  2. Dilution is necessary when using essential oils for dogs. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and dogs are more sensitive to smells than we are. A little essential oil goes a long way!
  3. Do not allow your dog to ingest essential oils. Essential oils for dogs can often result in health conditions such as hyper-salivation or nausea when ingested.

As you can see, there are many benefits to essential oils. These oils offer a natural solution to the common anxieties that our dogs may experience. We recommend that you consider adding essential oils to your routine so that you and your dog can enjoy a stress-free environment!