Dog Training 101 Backing Up

Dog Training 101: Backing Up 

Your dog is capable of a lot of different things. Teaching your dog to “back up” is a fun trick with many practical uses. In addition, it is helpful if you need your dog to back away from an open door or to step back at any given moment. The good news is that many dogs pick up on this trick quickly. Follow our steps below to teach your dog to “back up.”

  1. Preparation is key. You don’t need special equipment to train your dog to back up. Your dog and a handful of treats will help tremendously.


  1. Begin with “stay.” Start by giving your dog the stay command. If your dog doesn’t know the “stay” command, go back and work on that before moving on to the next step.


  1. Back away from your dog. Please take a few steps away from your dog and then turn and face them.


  1. It’s time to move forward. Move towards your dog. It is common for some dogs to take a step back when you start moving in their direction. If your dog doesn’t start stepping back as you move forward, keep moving forward and try to lean your body slightly forward.


  1. Praise and rewards are essential. As soon as your dog takes a few steps back, tell them “good” or “yes” and give them a treat!


  1. Add in the “back up” command. Does your dog seem to understand the action? It’s time for you to introduce the command. The next time you say “back up” as you move toward your dog. Continue to reward your dog when it backs up on cue.


If you follow these tips, your dog will learn how to back up in no time. As always, patience and consistency go a long way! Keep in mind that some dogs will get up and move away rather than backward when you attempt to teach this command. You may need to move your training sessions to a narrow hallway or enclosed space. What are you waiting for? Get started and see what your dog is capable of!