Dog Agility Training

Dog Agility Training

Are you looking for something new and exciting for your dog?  We have the perfect option for you…. Dog Agility Training!  Dog Agility is a popular canine sport where a handler guides a dog through various obstacles such as a tire jump, vertical hoop, teeter-totter or even a tunnel.  A fun fact is that this type of training activity can turn into a fun and competitive sport!

There are several benefits regarding agility training.  Here is why we think you should try it out:

  1. Natural instincts will be pushed to the max! As we know, dogs are natural hunters. Chasing a variety of prey is part of their life.  Imagine a wild dog chasing a rabbit in the woods.  Their natural instincts require them to overcome several obstacles along the course – jumping over sticks, climbing steep hills and weaving through bushes.  Agility courses mimic these natural movements, thus creating a scenario which would fulfill the needs of your dog!
  2. Exercise, exercise and more exercise! Did we mention exercise? Agility is a wonderful way for you to get rid of your dog’s excess energy.  The plus side of agility training is that it is not only physical, but mental as well.  This activity will improve overall strength and coordination!
  3. It is not only about the dog! That is right. As an agility handler, you will assist your dog through every step of the way – literally!  Well, maybe not crawling through collapsible tunnels, but you get the picture.  This is a cardiovascular workout for both you and your four-legged friend!
  4. Become closer to your dog! Dogs cannot complete agility courses without at least some guidance from their handler. As dogs rely on verbal and hand instructions, the trust between the owner and dog will strengthen tremendously.  Helping your dog complete the agility course will improve their overall behavior.  We consider that a win-win!

Be sure to check out our Agility Training Programs.  We’ve had some true CHAMPION students in the past!